Homesick in Najrān
This sound file was initially played for me as an MP3 file on a cell phone in the possession of a Mahri speaker from Shiḥn who was visiting al-Ghaydha (July 2008).
Poem | Translation |
1) nḥā b-neǧrān // bālīt ekṯīf | We are in Najrān // she of the sands |
2) seh meǧrī lā // w-ḳā mahzīf | It is not on our path // and is a land of narrow mountain passes |
3) w-mens yeǧhōm // ke-ḏ-bēr eźyīf | He has departed from it // the one who has completed his duties as host |
4) l-ād ār emdīt // hēkā w-zefzīf | Only the cold, southwest wind remains // blowing back and forth |
5) mezrūt b-ǧawf // w-źeyḳī erīf | It blows into my chest // and makes the countryside constricting |
6) men hād l-āmēr // men śī mhaksīf | [Let not] one say // that [this feeling] comes from something actually constricting me |
7) k-bīt eslōm // semrēt we-hdīf | [Or that this feeling is due to] Bīt Slōm // staying up all night and chatting |
8) śī ḳāṭer w-ṣawb // w-mēken ḫǧīf | There is straight talk and correct talk // and a good amount of chit chat |
9) ḏ-ār ḥeyb le-ḥbūn // ḳlūb yerhīf | Indeed the father for his sons // his heart is forgiving |
10) yeshōr we-yśeyḳ // hēm yeškīf | [The father] stays up all night and tires himself // while [his sons] sleep. |
11) lkēn ennəšūr // we-mḥammed wlīf | But Nashūr // and Muḥammad, his friend |
12) hēs śīnem awaḳt // mḥeyḳ we-kšīf | When they saw that the time // had grown difficult and had left them exposed |
13) ʾāzmōh le-nbīt // w-le-ḥtərīf | They resolved to do the right thing // and apply themselves to work |
14) lōb sād heḳrawr // men bād sǧīf | O happy is he who leaves in the afternoon // after weakness and fatigue |
15) lāḳā ke-ġyūǧ // le-sāf yeḫfīf | He would then be with the men // who make things easy for the travelling companion |
16) eśśawrəhem ṭāṭ // w-yōtlīf | They are of one opinion // and are of one nature |
17) w-ṭawr yerkīb // ḫīlēten ndīf | Sometimes riding cars // that are empty and ready to go |
18) we-krawser ydīn // men wēt ʾāfīf | And a new Landcruiser // when it takes off |
19) w-zimm ḫṭawṭ // fenwēn syīf | Lifting the road as it goes // stirring up the dust in front of us |
20) le-mśēr ʾārūź // w-beh leṭwīf | Cutting across the expanse // and circling around it |
21) we-ḳfōd b-ṣeyḳ // men śī men hyīf | It descends to the wadi narrows // from the steep mountain passes |
22) hēl bīt ǧsōs // ġnēf yerdīf | To Bīt Ǧsōs where // groups of people keep coming, one after the other |
23) ḏe-lḳawfem ekerr // w-yeškəfīf | They guard the crossroads // and block it [if attacked] |
24) we-śrā ṭwēl // wel heh meksīf | Their law is long // and is not constrained |
25) we-ḏ-šīhem ḥzey // ykūn be-tśərīf | Whoever seeks their protection // is given the place of honor |
26) ysenḥem leh // w-ǧōneh ḥǧīf | They protect him // and a wind break encircles him |
27) moh ḥell men ḥōl // w-lē meḫwīf | Whether a place to stay [due to] a difficult situation // or from fear |
28) we-štēba ṭḥawn // śīseh we-ǧśīf | And continues travelling to Wadi Ṭḥawn // and its irrigated gardens and wadis |
29) ḏā ṣalb ykūs // we-yśōlī ṭrīf | There he meets his kin // who bear all sides [to the problem] |
30) wēt śī ṯbūt lā // w-ǧeyš enwīf | If there is anything unstable (an emergency) // and [a situation calling for] a big army |
31) ykīn b-hāwēl // w-yūtfīf | They are in the forefront // and form a single line |
32) yeġtebyen lā // w-lū ketlīf | They do not tarry // and they bear the burden |
33) we-nṣā w-ṣeybēn // yeḥmīl ʾānīf | Hail the brave warriors // who endure the violence! |
34) dfē w-meknīn // men ǧawd we-ḫsīf | They are a defense and a shelter // against the downpour and hail |
35) we-ṣbēr mehyēb // wāt teh šeḫlīf | The mighty mountainside // when the enemy attempts it |
36) yaḥlūl be-mreyt // we-ykūn ḏ-weddīf | They live in Mreyt // and they live right up next to each other |
37) men beyn fźey // we-ǧwōrī dkīf | Between the palm groves // and channels that meet each other |
38) flōl yeślōl // w-bāź yeḫlīf | Groups of people depart // and some stay behind |
39) bēr ǧōrem wḳeyt // w-bīhem śwīf | Times have passed // when they had nothing to give |
40) w-bāl menśut // wāt teh šeḳfīf | People of moveable homes [who are hospitable] // even to the one who wears out the welcome |
41) yhaḳyem teh // men emhəǧrīf | They give him water // from that which was freshly drawn |
42) w-ǧēza feǧǧ // bhīt we-klīf | The giant wadi of Ǧēza // broad and difficult [to those who cross it unbidden] |
43) ḏhōbet śyīḫ // we-ykīn ḏ-herdīf | [That of] great floods // they are those that follow one upon the other |
44) w-meks ḳway // wāt hāl eġlīf | Bothersome [words] are powerful // when one as had enough [of them] |
45) w-ṭeyres mḳīm // w-mōtkīf | And over it (Wadi Ǧēza) is [its] chief // who shoulders the burden |
46) wāt śōret nwūt // men śī men nkīf | When the rain storms arise // and anything in the way of the stationary clouds |
47) eźhūr ḳeywōy // we-yšāzīf | The backs [of the people] are strong // and are steadfast [against them] |
48) w-ḥāmel ṯḳeyl // wīka meḥḥərīf | The heavy burden // becomes something that was placed somewhere else |
49) ḳdūm heh bāź // w-teh šeǧfīf | Some others came to it [the weight] // and lifted it to their chests |
50) ḏ-ār kād ḫdōm // ezey lekfīf | All those who work // should protect his flock |
51) men bād emwēǧ // w-ḳeźź we-ldīf | After the waves // and [their] roaring and crashing |
52) tlōbed śwōr // we-shīb yeḫfīf | [Until] it becomes calm again // and the waves diminish. |