When Melodies Gather: Oral Art of the Mahra

The Dīwān of Ḥājj Dākōn

This page contains links to audio and video recordings of the all of the poems published in The Dīwān of Ḥājj Dākōn (American Institute for Yemeni Studies, 2011).

The recorded performances are varied. Some are recordings of non-melodic recitations by Ḥājj Dākōn, and others are sung by him or, in the case of Zeyn we-kellek zeyn (#15), by the professional singer ʿAskarī Ḥujayrān. Multiple recordings of the same poem are provided. The recordings include both audio and video formats.

The first line of Poem #8 from the Dīwān (“I Want to Write a Line”) has been featured in the Khonsay: Poem of Many Tongues (Holman, Zeitlin and Alkateb, 2015).  You can visit the site that hosts the poem here.

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