1) ġǧūten ber trōk // feḫrēt w-l-ād ʾākōf | The girls have abandoned their pride // and no longer gather their hair in a bun |
2) men hēs ʾāḳrōt ṭmaʾ // āḏ medḥes ber slōf | Since Ṭmaʿ has grown up // her praise has already preceded [her] |
3) ḏ-māken bīs erḥīm // l-ād ṭ̌eyres tē yšūṣōf | She has abundant beauty // no one exceeds her in description. |
4) ḳnets birt ḥmēd // b-laṭf w-terhōf | Birt Ḥmēd raised her // in gentleness and with grace |
5) be-nhīr tḥawźef hīs // wel ʾāṣer tšūkōf | During the day, she kept her in her lap // and at night stayed up for her |
6) nḥatš hīs hrē // we-ṯbetš ḥerḳəfōt | [Birt Ḥmēd] made her head round // and made sure her hips grew evenly and solid |
7) w-fām el seh ġanṣayt // we-bdēn mheǧdəlōt | Her legs are not at all crooked // and her body is kept well arranged |
8) leǧrēd ṭmaʾ tekmēr // men hāl ḏ-āśōt neḥǧōt | So that Ṭmaʿ could be the winner // whenever she gets up to dance. |
9) men mēt ḫaddūt ḫlēt // w-bōḳī hansəlōt | At that time the [dancing] ground is left empty // and as for the other girls, she leaves them standing off to the side |
10) w-wudām bīs dwēl // w-kel ber šēhem ṣfōt | Every country knows of her // and of all the ways they have of describing her. |
11) ʾār bir ʾārmān ḫlā // we-mletye ber brōk | But now the son of ʿArmān is unmarried // and turned [towards her] with hobbled camels [for a dowry] |
12) haḳhōb ʿašrīn bkūr // w-men ṭḥōb ǧzōf | He brings 20 unbred female camels // that he has taken from his ample herds. |
13) reyt terḥam hōrem šeh // we-mġō ktēb hemlōk | Would that they keep the roads open for him // and that Fate give her to him! |