When Melodies Gather: Oral Art of the Mahra

Everyday I Come Complaining

Poem #2 in the Dīwān of Ḥājj Dākōn.

Recited by Ḥājj Dākōn and recorded by Sam Liebhaber at the Khalīj Hotel, al-Ghaydha, October 7, 2003.
Recorded and sung by Ḥājj Dākōn at his home, Mḥayfīf, May 2004.
Recited by Ḥājj Dākōn and recorded by Sam Liebhaber at the Khalīj Hotel, al-Ghaydha, October 7, 2003.
1) kel yawm w-hōh ḏ-aśeyk // we-hnūk ašenhawrEveryday I come complaining // to plead my case with you:
2) meyten ġalḳōna šī // w-reḥmenī men eǧawrWhen will you look at me // and show pity at this cruelty?
3) maḥḳ ḏē rǧē w-weyd // ḥek eṣawber ḏe-ḫḫəṭawrI’m tired of hope and promises // my soul’s patience is worn down
4) sēher w-welhīt w-ʾaynī // be-dmɛ̄ tġarġawrInsomnia and anxiety and eyes // dripping with tears.
5) hēt wkōh lbedk ḳōsī // w-reḥmatk bers ḫawrWhy have you become so cruel // and your sympathy so meager?
6) fōna šī lṭīf w-hōdī // sōber lī tšeḫbūrBefore you used to be kind and gentle // and always asked about me.
7) hɛ̄śen ḏe-kdūr eṣawlek // [we-mhawǧes ḏe-kṯ̣awr]What spoiled your temper // and twisted your feelings for me?
8) ʾān nġamk lī ġtīrī // haddel we-ksē be-śśawrIf you’re angry with me, speak! // Advise me and seek advice.
9) ḫāf ḫṭā ḏ-heǧreykeh // ḏōmeh wēt ṭwōr ydūrPerhaps I made a mistake // this happens from time to time
10) we-bnɛ̄dem ɛ̄r yḫawles // w-ḏe-ḫlūs yšāḏūrHuman beings get it wrong // but they forgive the one that does.
11) lɛ̄ken hōh tē leheyḫeṭ // w-leǧrēh mnī ḳṣawrEven if I wronged you // and a shortcoming befell me,
12) hɛ̄śen lī ḏ-heǧreykeh // tē ḫṭā leḳā b-dawrWhat did I do // that the misdeed should come back around?
13) aw leḳā men bōlī ġeybet // we-msebbəbīn ʾāmūrOr maybe it’s because of gossips // or people who make problems
14) hēm wḳōna ʾɛ̄r yʾamrem // w-ḏ-ettōma bōlī zawrPerhaps they are saying things // but the one who listens to slanderers
15) bɛ̄r yṯ̣ōlem emḥebbeh // we-ḫḫəṭā hneh yṣawrActs unfairly to the lovers // and a sin is committed by him.
16) hēt ɛ̄r ḏe-ġribk tēhem // we-tġawreb ḏ-īźrūrYou know them // and you know how they cause harm
17) hōh le ġawreb menḥərīyet // wel b-ġeyr aśeḥźawr [sic: ašeḥźawr]I know nothing about making complaints // I’d never speak about this to anyone.
18) ṣebrōna le-mśawkī // tē men hɛ̄l w-hēd effawrI will endure my grief // until the time [my] simmering [feelings] quiet down.

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