Why Are You Working In A Dust Cloud?
Recited by Ḥājj Dākōn and recorded by Sam Liebhaber at home, al-Ghaydha, January 27, 2004.
Poem | Translation |
1) hēt wkoh brek ezēḫī // w-be-ḥḥarḳ tedwīrī | Why are you in a dust cloud // working in the heat? |
2) hēśen heh ysūl ettābeš // tē men śōneh tʾāṭṭīrī | What is he who equals your discomfort // for whose sake do you tire yourself? |
3) ḥamš ār brēk ehhōla // wel ḥamš teztəwīrī | I would like you in the shade // I don’t want you to be concerned [with anything], |
4) b-ʾālē men emǧawles // hel tśīnī w-tʾābīrī | Sitting in the loftiest spot at the gathering // where you can see [all] and gaze [at everything], |
5) źār [sic: ṯ̣ār] ḳṭōyef we-mdawkī // līhem kel thōmīrī | On cushions and pillows // they have all that you command. |
6) ġābī meddəwīr l-ġeyreš // w-ān ʾamerš le meġtīrī | Leave work for someone other than you // and if you say “no,” I’ll speak [to them], |
7) ʾamrōna sēhel līhem // lerwīḥem le-ʾamīrī | Saying: “It’d be so easy for them // to give my princess a break.” |
8) ġabh lezyēd eġalleh // ked ḥatteś we-ḏ-ġeyrī | Let him increase his resentment // whoever is angry and those who are jealous. |
9) misk we-dḫōn ḫlēṭī // we-ʾawīśī we-ftəḫeyrī | Musk and the incense of the ḫlēṭī-branch // show your beauty and be proud, |
10) we-lbīsī men eġōlī // līhem lād tšeḫbīrī | Wear only expensive clothes // you’ll never have to ask about them again. |
11) tē w-lū ʾamūrem ḥeywel // we-ḳlūb mlōyem ṯ̣eyrī | Even if they told me I was out of my mind // and began to put blame on me, |
12) hēt ʾaǧēbeš ḫeś eǧawfī // źeybeṭ ʾaḳlī w-tefkīrī | Love for you has pierced my chest // and taken away my reason and mind. |