When Melodies Gather: Oral Art of the Mahra

O My Eyes, How Can They Sleep?

Poem #18 from the Dīwān of Ḥājj Dākōn.

Recited by Ḥājj Dākōn and recorded by Sam Liebhaber at home, al-Ghaydha, May 2004.
1) ʾāynī hōh hībōh tšekf // w-tettōna eššənētO my eyes, how can they sleep // and enjoy their slumber
2) we-ḥrōhī leṯḳōl // źār [sic: ṯ̣ār] essōf w-māmdētOr my head rest heavily // on the wool [cushions] and pillows
3) w-ǧūrē men eǧenbeyn // ḏe-ṭwīlem be-ssəmrētWhile my neighbours on either side // continue their soirée?
4) effəṭeynem tī mḥab // bāl ebōl w-nūmsētThey make me think about my beloved // the possessor of a good head and artful tastes,
5) ṭēba w-meḏhēbeh ġeyr // w-āśḳeth we-fḫərētHer disposition and style are without compare // and so are her passion and her bearing.
6) wēt essōṭer w-ettəlīl // ḫā ḳrūh men eḫtəmētWhen she phrases her speech or recites a verse // it is like someone reading from the Final Revelation;
7) yeḥḥəyūwī ḏ-heh mrīź // be–hhergeth w-źeḥkētShe brings the sick back to health // with her voice and her laugh.
8) heǧs yeḳtəlīben beh // be-rḥōyeb ḏ-ġarbētMy mind is preoccupied with her // living in faraway lands.
9) we-ymōh fḳedk teh // we-nhōr hnī snētToday I miss her // and each day for me is like a year
10) w-ḏe-ḥawseb kel yawm // le-wṣōleh ke-ʾabrētSince I count every day // for her arrival by car, boat or plane.
11) reyteh heh leḳā hnī // we-mnāʾī w-nāmētIf only she were with me // my hope and my grace!
12) ār mnē ḏ-maḫḫəlīḳ // tesyīren teh ḳadrētBut the desires of men // walk with Fate.

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